As you requested we have recently spent some time at your newly aquired property on the shores of Lake Tanganyka in the western parts of Tanzania. Construction on the luxury cottages is progressing as expected and the campsites are already up and running. We personally chose to pitch our tent right on the lake shore, and the view is just amazing.
The two private beaches remain an untuched oasis in this otherwise littered corner of the country. The trees you so cleverly planted throughout the property puts an effective stop to unwelcome onlookers and adds a welcome feeling of privacy. The means taken against the spreading of Bilharzia in the area have also been effective. We enjoyed several swims in the crystal clear lakewater during the time of our stay. We have yet to take a medical examination, but feel certain the parasite has been terminated.
A few bushfires, undoubtedly started by envious neighbours, did occour as you predicted. But it was nothing major and we quickly got the situation under control. We have taken measures to ensure similar incidents will not happen again in the foreseable future. We have to say, you have done a splendid job securing this extraordinary piece of land and we strongly support your proposal of making this the destination for the next BSTV holiday.