1. The little yellow thing that makes up the core of an asteroid. It's extremely valuable and tastes like ginger ale.
2. The feeble remains of an unlucky roadkill we hit on the way over. Could be anything really. Probably possum.
3. What happens to bird baby trolls that stay to close to one another when the sun comes up.
4. Olives, we think. Yes, they are a bit funny looking, but what isn't around here.
5. Hah! That isn't even a fruit, or berry, or whatever. That's the stuff that makes colour. They used it heaps back in the days. Right?
6. Upside down strawberries! Just kidding, only I'm not.
7. Just your average pine tree. Don't know why it's in here.
8. You thought those brown semen looking things were frog babies? Well, they're not. They're little pieces of fruit with a will of steel.
9. A freakin' big coconut that got stuck halfway down. At the moment of visit it just sprang to life. What the fuck, right?
10. Exactly what it looks like. A pair of good old human testicles. Cut open, that is.
11. A new crossbreed between porcupine and Velcro. It just got stuck up there by accident. All of them. Yes, they're as fluffy as they look.
2. The feeble remains of an unlucky roadkill we hit on the way over. Could be anything really. Probably possum.
3. What happens to bird baby trolls that stay to close to one another when the sun comes up.
4. Olives, we think. Yes, they are a bit funny looking, but what isn't around here.
5. Hah! That isn't even a fruit, or berry, or whatever. That's the stuff that makes colour. They used it heaps back in the days. Right?
6. Upside down strawberries! Just kidding, only I'm not.
7. Just your average pine tree. Don't know why it's in here.
8. You thought those brown semen looking things were frog babies? Well, they're not. They're little pieces of fruit with a will of steel.
9. A freakin' big coconut that got stuck halfway down. At the moment of visit it just sprang to life. What the fuck, right?
10. Exactly what it looks like. A pair of good old human testicles. Cut open, that is.
11. A new crossbreed between porcupine and Velcro. It just got stuck up there by accident. All of them. Yes, they're as fluffy as they look.
PS: This is also a super secret contest. The one who can guess what the things in the pictures really are will get a super secret prize in the mail. We'll give you a hint. Number nine is not really a fruit.
PPS: We might need some help judging the winner. There is a reason we just made stuff up to begin with.
PPS: We might need some help judging the winner. There is a reason we just made stuff up to begin with.
ReplyDelete1. Lett: Stjernefrukt(Averrhoa carambola). Frukten inneholder en del oksalsyre og anbefales ikke for gravide og de som har hatt nyrestein.
2. Noe deformert, men Kaki(Kakiaro fermangaros)er gule eller røde bær som kan minne om tomater.
3. En art av kastanjeslekten(Castanea). Litt vanskelig å si hvilken, da den er ganske inntørket.
4. Oliven? Druer? aner ikke. Hva smaker de?
5. Flingkvast(Crayona rosso),lokalbefolkningen kaller den N'dugï og bruker den i rituelle seremonier.
6. Helt klart oppned jordbær.
7. Det der er en pinne.
8. Cherimaio (Rimano minor), lillebroren til den bedre kjente Cherimoya(Rimano major). Mest brukt som dessert, men også god i salater.
9. Afrikaner, ikke en frukt. Heller ikke et mineral.
10. Alien-egg. Tidlig stadie. Heldigvis.
11. Barba-nøtter(Molto nonsenso). En hårete slektning til hasselnøttene. Vokser i hovedsak i tropisk sone, men kan ved skjeldne anledninger finnes i tempererte strøk.