So, we've been flying below the radar for almost a week now. We know! It's past time to write you suckers back home about stuff like: The men-only bus on Cairo Airport that Maria blindly boarded. The cheerful grunt of the immigration officer welcoming us to Kenya. Aren't those people always lovely. The indescribably bumpy, seven hour long, bus-ride from Nairobi to Eldoret. The donkeys pushing big boulders onto the already bumpy roads. The warm welcome into Dr. Julius Sang's home. The amazing food. The African-time. "Dinner in half an hour!" Read 3 hours. Odin's chicken hypno trick. The kids running after you screaming "Mzungu! Mzungu! Mzungu!" All the other kids, that are EVERYWHERE! The habit of exchanging cows for wifes. The once in a lifetime twin birth experience at Julius' clinic. The endless stream of epic misquotes. The lake view hotel. Maria's African style dreadlocks. The crappy toilets. The outdoor, sunshine, plastic cup showers. The poverty. The people inviting you to their home, and by people we mean EVERYONE! The fifteen times a day tea-time. The incredibly hospitable and warm locals. And the giant bird with a cry like a man barfing.
But we won't. Instead we'll tell you about our dear neighbour, Philip Boit. You might or might not know this guy, depending on your interest in winter sports. In Norway he has become quite the celebrity, known as the first African ever to participate in the winter olympics and a personal friend of Bjørn Dæhlie. In Kenya he is our everyday neighbour, a father of four kids, a loving husband, a personal friend of our kenyan surrogate father Julius, a reckless driver, an ex-policeman, a heartwarming smile over a sponsored Moods of Norway suit and a very good guy to have in your life.
That's it for now. We'll try to peak our head above the radar more frequently in the foreseeable future, depending on how much the internet sucks. Speaking of suckers, we love you all.
Helt naturlig, og sier noe om hvor liten verden er. Når man først drar til Kenya blir man nabo med en av de mer kjente kenyanerene. Jaja, sånn kan det gå!
ReplyDeleteVet han har en kid som heter Dæhlie, hva heter de andre da, Alsgaard, Ulvang og Northug???
Godt å høre at dere har det bra er det uansett, og hvem sier man ikke kan fortelle mye med lite? Ikke du hvertfall, keep it coming!
Heldiggriser! Ser herligt ut! :)
ReplyDeleteHvor går reisen videre? Eller er det helt tilfeldig?
Hei godtfolk. Så flott å få kommentarer da! Vi har jo blitt introdusert for alle kidsa til Philip, men det er litt vanskelig å huske når de har navn som Hwmilmwsaku og Loswingsyubu. Tror ikke det er så langt unna faktisk. Han har hvertfall to jenter og to gutter.
ReplyDeleteEllers har vi det som høna i egget. Alt og alle er helt konge! Vi tar ting som det kommer og har foreløpig få eller ingen planer for ferden videre. Vi har det konge her vi er og tar livet en dag av gangen.
Hils venner og kjente så skal vi forsøke å gi lyd fra oss litt oftere. Pis and låv tu ju ål. J-bone and Motha-jesus.
Hei hei, det ser så deilig ut! kult håret, Maria!! Gleder meg å høre mer fra dere! Klem til Afrika!
ReplyDeleteSer ut som dere koser dere! Herlige bilder!! gleder meg til å følge med videre på bloggen deres!
ReplyDeleteEn blogg!? Så herlig, fant den først nå! Kos dere, nyt livet! gla på dokk!
ReplyDeleteHi, I realise that this blog post was made a couple of years ago, but I was wondering if you still had any contact information for Philip Boit? I am working for the BBC on a show for the Winter Olympics and we'd love to be able to feature Philip, but are having difficulty getting a hold of him. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Please e-mail me at Thank you.