Monday, June 27, 2011

Fluttering by

Lariam dreams and layers inbetween, you feel your spaced out mind racin' in rewind, all that you've smelt, seen, touched, felt. Your pulse is like sound waves drumming through thick oxygen, the fluttering of butterfly wings in slow motion, or in another dimension.

The colors explode and suddenly you're not there anymore. You are inside everything you see, feel, love. You're the smile looking at insects crawling, you're the chase for the perfect picture, you're patience and heartdrumming. The contrast of orange sprawling on a cold grey stone redefines your definition of life. Life's everything and everywhere and you can't catch it or keep up with it. You simply have to let her take you and rip you in a thousand happy, oblivious pieces again,again, again. Until you're a lost, distant lariam dream living in the fluttering of wings through thick oxygen.

1 comment:

  1. Vakkert. Arti å snakk me dokker på skype i dag. Jespersønn, du e helt lik dæ. Klem te dokker begge fra mor
